Client migration to new hardware
Checklist for recovery If both original DS-Client and new hardware available o Install new DS-Client, do not start the service. o Move the database to the DS-Client: Look for the most recent dump files. They are located at the buffer location. Usually in C:\windows\temp\ folder. If they exist, make sure the timestamp on them is recent, during […]
DS-Client Sizing Guide
The following tables provide estimated scenarios for DS-Client sizing: DS-Client RAM Number of Files 32-bit DS-Client 64-bit DS-Client < 5 Million 1 GB 1 GB 5-20 Million 2 GB 2 GB 20-40 Million N/A 8 GB > 40 Million N/A > 8 GB DS-Client CPU Number of Files 32-bit DS-Client 64-bit DS-Client < 5 Million […]
Full Server (file system and registry) restores
Issue Troubleshooting: Full Server (file system and registry) restores. Microsoft (and most other software providers) install their programs, according to a certain methodology due to which a problem may occur if a computer's file system and Registry are restored. Summary When Microsoft (and most other software providers') software is installed on a computer, the Windows […]
How to delete a set DS-Mobile
Highlight the backup set you want. Click “Delete” or right-mouse click > Delete. The Delete Wizard appears on the “Select Items” tab. Select the backed up items you want to delete. You can use the different filters to narrow the data you want to delete. Click “Finish”. The delete will start immediately. If you selected […]
Hyper-V Cluster backup set
Backup of Hyper-V in a clustered configuration is supported through the VSS-aware backup set type. The following requirements must be met to backup a Hyper-V Cluster: • Add the IP address and computer name for all the nodes in the Hyper-V cluster to the DS-Client computer's "Hosts" file, which is found in: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\Hosts • Create […]
Important Notes for Bare Metal Restore
Issue Important Notes for Bare Metal Restore. Bare Metal Restore is a restore process when the whole machine is being restored. Usually this type of restore is performed after a complete hardware failure or hardware upgrade. Summary Bare Metal Restore of 32-bit operating system to 64-bit is NOT possible. You cannot perform a Bare Metal […]
What is the complusbackup folder created by DS-Client during backup?
complusbackup folder can be found in ADMIN share (ADMIN$) e.g. C:\Windows\complusbackup. It is a hidden folder created by DS-Client where it puts the temporary files during backup and will be deleted after the backup has completed (unhide the hidden folders on Windows explorer folder view options to be able to see the folder). It […]
Office 365 email backup set does not show mailboxes
Symptoms The Office 365 backup set does not show the Exchange mailboxes when creating backup set. Cause It is an issue about permission for the backup set account, proxy or firewall is being used, plugin was not installed properly or DLL files overwritten by old versions. Workaround 1. Ensure the Exchange dashboard is on green […]
Exchange 2010 – Object could not be found. (Path_to_email)
Failed to read mail : Object could not be found. (Path_to_email) Symptoms The error is reported when a backup session is triggered for an emails backup set protecting Exchange Server 2007 or 2010 or when trying to expand any mailbox while editing the backup selection in DS-User for an emails backup set. Cause a) the MAPI […]
Failed to read mail : MAPI_E_INVALID_ENTRYID
Failed to read mail : MAPI_E_INVALID_ENTRYID Symptoms The error is reported while running Message Level Restore emails backup set protecting Exchange Public Folders Cause The backup items list includes public folders containing items with identical Exchange id and the DS-MLR service account does not have rights to re-assign a different id ( DS-MLR automatically assign […]