The system cannot find the path specified (Admin$..)


1. The system cannot find the path specified. (\\computer-name\ADMIN$\complusbackup\sfcfiles.lst)
During system state backup
2. The system cannot find the path specified. (E:initb\reg.ds) (E:\initb\reg.ds)
During import of an initial backup
3. The system cannot find the path specified. (FindFirstVolumeMountPoint or path to a certain file )
When backing up a drive (e.g. D$ drive) this error message appears right at the beginning of the backup
4. The system cannot find the path specified. (C:\)(GetVolumeInformation)
The error might be reported during backup (file system sets).
5. The system cannot find the path specified. (\\SERVER\C$\boot\*.*)
You will get a following error in DS-Client event log when try to backup Windows 2008 at File system level.
The system cannot find the path specified. (\\ServerName\C$\boot\*.*)
6. The system cannot find the path specified. (RegSaveKeyEx) (\HKEY_USERS\….._Classes) (C:\Users\User1\Device\HarddiskVolume\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat.bak)
This error is reported during file system backup of Windows 2012/R2 with RDS role
7. The system cannot find the path specified. (DeleteFile)
8. The system cannot find the path specified (\\Hyper-V-NODE\C$\ClusterStorageFolder\Vol-name\VM-Folder\Snapshots-Folder\Vol_ID\*.*)


1. The psapi.dll (a microsoft file) was missing from c:\winnt\system32 directory. It is unclear why the operating system did not automatically copy it, since that one is a system protected file and it has a copy in c:\winnt\system32\dllcache;
2. The DS-System node trying to do the import cannot access the path specified.
3. D$ drive was formatted with the FAT32 file system.
4. The administrative share Admin$ cannot be accessed remotely or it is hidden.
5. The O/S that you are backing up is Windows 2008 for which Microsoft creates a System Reserved partition of 100MB by default at installation and there are located those files. Also by default the System Reserved is not mounted (has no driver letter assign) so those files are actually inaccessible. The error is reported for a backup set for entire machine for example C$,System State & Services Databases, so when it's looking for those file and they are missing from C$ and the other partition is not accessible.
6. When trying to backup a new Server 2012 R2 with RDS role, the server is using a new Microsoft feature of user disk profiles. The above error is seen during backup for different user profiles. These "UsrClass.dat.bak" files are links that user disk profiles use to redirect the user files to another storage location
7. The "DebugMessage" entry is set to a value different than 0 under DS-User > Setup > Configuration > Advanced > Miscellaneous.
8. The error might be reported during backup (Cluster Hyper-V backup set) after a Hyper-V host reboot.


1. Copy the psapi.dll to c:\winnt\system32 (it can be copied to any other location which is included in the PATH env, variable)
2. The path to the initial backup should be accessible by the DS-System running on that director. If the buffer is on a different computer, you must specify a UNC path and you must make sure that DS-System service account has enough rights to that UNC path. Alternatively, you can attach the buffer directly to that director (when possible).
When dealing with large amounts of data to be imported, if enough free space is available in an existing storage location, manually copy the entire initial backup buffer to that location and, when importing to DS-System, it allows to use the "move" option (much faster than the "copy").

Note: When moving from the standalone to the n+1, the import will always be performed by the elected director (check the N+1 menu->Status to find out which node is the director).
3. Convert the FAT32 file system to NTFS file system and then run the backup again.
4. On the backup source computer, logon with the backup set credentials user, open a command prompt window and run the command:
net share. If the C$ and Admin$ are not displayed, check the Microsoft KB 842715.
5. A solution to this situation would be to assign a drive letter for it, (for example D$) and add the D$ to the backup set.
6. Currently, we do not support backup with this feature enabled. We do not support roaming profiles at all, on any Windows version (related to BMR (backup System states etc.))
7. If the required additional info has been collected and the debugging is not needed anymore please set back to 0 the value for "DebugMessage", otherwise the warning can be ignored.

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