RedHat / Centos:
su root
wget https://YOURSITE.COM/sentinel/SentinelAgent_linux_v4_6_1_6.rpm
rpm -i –nodigest SentinelAgent_linux_v4_6_1_6.rpm
service sentinelone start
systemctl enable sentinelone
Debian / Ubuntu:
login to shell (it doesn't work from GUI installation)
su root
wget https://YOURSITE.COM/sentinel/SentinelAgent_linux_v4_6_1_6.deb
dpkg -i SentinelAgent_linux_v4_6_1_6.deb
service sentinelone start
systemctl enable sentinelone
After install, we need to register the client using our site token:
/opt/sentinelone/bin/sentinelctl management token set YOUR__TOKEN__HERE