Backup of Hyper-V in a clustered configuration is supported through the VSS-aware backup set type.
The following requirements must be met to backup a Hyper-V Cluster:
• Add the IP address and computer name for all the nodes in the Hyper-V cluster to the DS-Client computer's "Hosts" file,
which is found in:
• Create a VSS-aware backup set and select Microsoft Cluster Hyper-V.
• Specify the computer using the IP address of the ‘cluster virtual node’. (This is configured on the Hyper-V cluster itself.)
• If you can connect to the specified computer, you will see an additional folder
level named “<HAVMs>”. This contains the Cluster’s High Availability Virtual Machines that can be selected for backup.
• All other steps are the same as for standalone Hyper-V backup sets.